College Financial Aid Services
We help families Pay for College

We know the financial aid system and can assist your family through the entire process to include: determining your financial aid need; selecting colleges; estimating financial aid awards to include merit awards from these colleges; completing financial aid forms and finally helping families compare awards received to determine the best match for your student.    

Step 3: Assistance with Completion of Financial Aid Forms

Our firm is very familiar with all of the necessary financial aid forms to include the FAFSA, CSS Profile form as well as financial aid forms unique to various colleges. We track deadlines and confirm with each college that all forms have been completed properly and received on time.  Optional service: We can review your financial aid form entries BEFORE the forms are filed so they are as 'correct' as they can be when submitted!
We help in the comparison of financial aid offers received and can assist in the appeal process if the awards are not acceptable to the family. Our firm is very familiar with this process, and has a track record of success. This service is billable at an hourly rate.

Step 1: Determine if Your Family Qualifies for Financial Aid

Our firm understands the formulas used to determine financial aid. Through a review of your tax return information, your assets, your student's income and assets we can calculate the dollar amount the financial aid system expects your family to contribute to college costs each year. We can identify strategies to increase your financial aid eligibility.

If it is determined that your family does not qualify for need based financial aid, we develop tax strategies that can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket costs for college.  Opportunities also exist for merit scholarships which are awards unrelated to the family's finances. Each family's financial situation is unique, and we tailor your plan to your goals and family circumstances.

Start the Process

After reading through the information on this website and you would like to proceed, please complete the contact form by clicking here. I would email the listing of questions for you to begin. Prior to the meeting, I spend several hours researching your situation so that I can tailor the discussion to your family's circumstances.

Step 2: Guidance in Analyzing Financial Assistance From Your Current College Selections

Working with the student's current college list (or we can help establish a list) we validate the current list  to select colleges that match your student's academic goals and interests as well as provide generous financial aid packages. We discuss in detail your student's college requirements and their particular academic and non-academic merit attributes. A mutually agreeable listing of colleges is developed.


Fees for Services - Typical Consultation

A typical consultation includes a review of your financial information and calculation of your "Expected Family Contribution" (EFC) towards college costs. The "After Financial Aid" cost of the colleges on your short list is determined. Factors affecting your EFC will be identified and suggestions given to improve your financial aid eligibility. Colleges awarding merit based scholarships will also be discussed.  Consultations are billed at an Hourly rate of $200, and a typical consultation runs 2.5 -3.5 hrs. depending upon the complexity of your family's situation (such as multiple students in college at one time, divorces, tax issues, owning a business, etc.). Assistance with the FAFSA and the CSS Profile forms is also available and billed separately.  

During a consultation, the following set of reports are included to backup our findings:

  • "After Financial Aid and Merit Awards” cost of colleges on your student’s list

  • College that give merit awards, and the average award given

  • Breakdown of the formula for SAI (Student Aid Index used by the FAFSA) and EFC (Expected Family Contribution used by the CSS Profile form) for your family's situation

  • Cash Flow Report – where the funds will come from for college

  • Recommendations for any financial moves or tax changes

Additional Services - Billed at an Hourly Rate

  • Review of FAFSA and CSS Profile forms PRIOR to submitting, to make sure entries are correct

  • Review of financial aid award letters received, to determine if an appeal for additional funds is needed

  • Guidance for families with young children, to help plan for their future college needs
  • Help with special circumstances, such as pending divorce, remarriage, sickness, etc.